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Free Veggie-Go’s Fruit & Veggie Snacks Moms Meet Party Pack if You Qualify - Get Lots of Free Veggie-Go Snacks and Gifts!

Moms Meet is a great program that sends you a bunch of samples and coupons for Moms to share with other Moms in their "Moms Group". They send you a bunch of free items, and tons of coupons and other goodies, really great program. Their new program is for Veggie-Go’s Fruit & Veggie Snacks. Click the link below and sign up and see if you qualify. If you qualify they will email you within 1 month and let you know
  1. CLICK HERE and click apply under Mom Ambassador - IF YOU ALREADY HAVE AN ACCOUNT JUST LOG IN INSTEAD 
    • IMPORTANT IF MAKING A NEW ACCOUNT! YOU WILL GET AN ERROR MESSAGE AFTER YOU APPLY, that is okay. It will still make you an account even if you got an error message, just ignore the message
  2. CLICK HERE and log in with the you account you just made or your previous account. There is a light blue box on the page either on the top right or right under the photo. 
    • If you are already a member click Apply now and apply.
    • If not yet a mom ambassador it will say you are not eligible and that you need to apply. Click the link where it says Mom Ambassador, or click here and fill out the survey. MAKE SURE TO USE THE SAME EMAIL ADDRESS AS YOUR ACCOUNT YOU LOGGED IN WITH!
    • After they approve you to be a Moms Ambassador go back to the page to apply for the sampling opportunity
  3. If you qualify they will email you within 1 month and let you know
We want to let you in on a secret—the next big thing in fruit snacks is here. Veggie-Go’s is changing the fruit-snack game by adding in delicious veggies! As a mom, you want your kids to snack healthy without exposure to tons of sugar or artificial ingredients in their food. That’s why each Veggie-Go snack offers one serving of fruit and vegetables without any added sugar, and uses only organic and non-GMO ingredients. Created by two passionate people on a farming adventure, these on-the-go snacks are great to pack in your kids' school lunch, or keep on hand anywhere and everywhere you go.