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Free $10 from Shopkick. Can get cash to paypal get any gift card you want.

Free $10 from Shopkick. Can get cash to paypal get any gift card you want. I got an Amazon card. Will take about 5 minutes to get this

  1. Click  and download app. Make NEW account, confirm email. Bonus is for new accounts only
  2. Click on the top where it says Friend referral and type in code BLUE914361  this is a referral code to give you the free money. If you don't see it on the top of the page you can click the little person icon on the menu on top left and enter it there
  3. Click DISCOVER on the bottom right of the app. It will bring up a page with a bunch of different ads you can click on like Walmart, olay, tyson etc..  
  4. Click on each ad and scroll through the photos. Some will have a photo that is just a big present box. Once you click on that you will get 1 "Kick" point. You have to get 30 points in order to unlock the $10. Go through all the ads and find all the boxes. Sometimes it's the 2nd pic, sometimes the last etc.. sometimes they don't have a box at all. If so just skip and go to the next one until  you find all 30 boxes. DO NOT WATCH THE VIDEOS. THE POINTS FROM THE VIDEOS DO NOT COUNT TOWARDS THE 30.
  5. Once you have 30 kicks you will get a bonus 2,500 kicks added to your account. You can check how many kicks you have by clicking the small bell on top right and clicking kicks activity. It takes about 2 minutes for the 2,500 to hit after you reach the 30
  6. once you have the 2,500 click the 2,500 on the top of the app and redeem them for whatever you want